An Introduction to Essential Oils at The Chilworth

Essential Oils at The Chilworth Hotel London

Everyone’s journey towards health and wellness is different. For some, the focus is on fitness while others place a larger emphasis on emotional wellbeing. At The Chilworth London Paddington, we understand this and because of that, we take advantage of every opportunity we can to expand our staff’s knowledge of products and practices that could potentially help our guests become healthier, happier versions of themselves.

After all, we are a wellness hotel!

With this in mind, we recently hosted a special Essential Oils workshop where members of our team learned all about the effects these potent, all-natural liquids can have on our body and mind.

Thanks to Hayley Netser, the Essential Oils Educator who led the workshop, we all left with a solid knowledge base and a desire to learn even more. While we await our next workshop, we thought we’d leave you with our top three takeaways from our first session.

Essential Oils at The Chilworth

1. Essential oils promote physical and mental health

While essential oils – known affectionately as nature’s antibiotic – shouldn’t necessarily be used as a substitute for western medicine, they can (and should!) be used as a means to proactively keep your mind and body healthy. Of course, these two ‘separate’ entities aren’t so separate.

Perhaps you’ve heard recently about the gut-brain connection? This is similar to the age-old adage that ‘you are what you eat’. In short, there is a two-way link between the central nervous system and the enteric system. That means each benefit of any one essential oil could have knock-on effects.

Take, for example, the top-selling Lemon oil. Known for its cleansing, invigorating, and purifying properties, this particular variety is great for organ health. With your organs functioning at their highest level, you’re also likely to experience emotional benefits, like less stress or anxiety.


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2. There are 3 ways to use the oils

Essential oils are incredibly versatile and can be inhaled, ingested, or applied topically.

To inhale the oils, you have two options: pop them in a diffuser or apply them to your skin and inhale deeply. Either way, the powerful, natural properties of the oils will reach your brain in as little as 3 seconds. Rapid! Agencies like the NHS are starting to see the value in essential oils as a type of aromatherapy, too, with several initiatives promoting the use of essential oils (in particular, lavender) within hospitals. The goal? To help relax both hospital staff and patients.

To ingest the oils, you also have two options: squeeze a drop or two directly on your tongue or mix the essential oils with food/drink. With so many different products – from oregano and clove to lemon – the options are quite literally endless. Mix and match for unique blends and tastes or follow tried and tested recipes online.

To topically apply the oils, you can either rub them directly on your skin or create your own lotion, scrub, or serum, using something like coconut oil as a base. In particular, Haley mentioned using the Melaleuca oil as a tool in preventative skincare to help anything from ingrown hairs to dandruff. Similarly, Frankincense is great in helping reduce the signs of ageing, scarring and stretch marks.

Which way are you most likely to use essential oils? Leave us a comment!

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3. Essential oils are safe for all ages

Fortunately, anyone can take advantage of the benefits of essential oils, including children. In fact, some essential oil brands even have entire kits just for kids! Please note, though: children should stick with inhaling or topically applying the oils and avoid ingesting them directly.

So, how can people of all ages use essential oils to improve their general wellbeing?

Parents can boost their children’s immune systems with various oils and can even promote respiratory health. Of course, anyone with kids knows illness is just one challenge and that managing hyper young ones is perhaps a more common concern. Essential oils can help with that, too! Just try popping the Serenity oil in a diffuser.

For adults, there’s a long list of benefits. What are you struggling with? Acid reflux? Try DigestZen. Trouble sleeping? Try Lavender. You’re almost guaranteed to find an essential oil that will help your symptoms, whether related to your mood or physical health.

With more workshops in the pipeline, we’re keen to update you with more information to help you be the best you can be. Follow us on social media @thechilworth for the latest updates!

Interested in how a stay at The Chilworth can boost your general wellbeing? Check out the features that set us apart from other hotels in Paddington. From Vitamin-C infused showers to indoor and outdoor yoga sessions, we have an offering sure to help you relax in the city.

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