7 Must-Read Health and Wellness Books

    Women reading a book

    A good book is hard to beat, whether you’re looking for an inspiring and thought-provoking gift to give someone, or want something compelling to accompany you on your travels. And if you’re keen on finding ways to live happier and healthier, there are some fantastic health and wellness titles that deserve a top place on your bookshelf.

    If you’re planning a trip to the city soon, check out the latest London Paddington hotel deals and read on for some of the best picks to add to your e-reader or reading list.

    Or, better yet, head downstairs to the lobby at The Chilworth Hotel and see what titles we have available in our library.

    Sharon Salzberg: Real Happiness – The Power of Meditation

    As a widely renowned and respected meditation teacher, Sharon Salzberg has been sharing her wisdom through her writing and teaching for decades. This simple, easy to follow book is perfect for anyone who wants to bring the benefits of meditation into their everyday life.

    This book is ideal for anyone who has tried to meditate and struggled to stick to it as a habit. Structured as a 28-day programme, the book has step by step guidance and advice, making meditation accessible for everyone. You’ll find clear, simple suggestions and instructions that you can work on each day, to start to develop a daily meditation practice, over the course of a month.

    Michael Pollan: In Defence of Food

    Trying to eat a healthy diet can often feel like a minefield, with so much contradictory advice to wade through, an endless stream of diets claiming to be the best, as well as the huge number of supplements, all promising the way to a healthier mind and body.

    But instead of presenting yet another diet book, Michael Pollan focuses on the joy of eating well, and celebrates good, nourishing food, with simple and practical advice about creating a more positive relationship with what we put on our plates every day. If you’re feeling inspired to eat well afterwards, be sure to check out some of the great restaurants near Paddington railway stationwhere you’ll find lots of wholesome, nourishing and delicious food, made with great, fresh ingredients.

    Arriana Huffington: The Sleep Revolution

    In a busy and fast-paced world, sleep is often discounted, or even treated as something to avoid. But sleep is one of the most important ingredients to a healthy life, and in this important book, Arriana Huffington calls out for a “sleep revolution” – breaking down the science of sleep and why it is so necessary for mental and physical wellness, as well as calling out how contemporary culture dismisses sleep.

    Discover how enjoying a more restorative, calming night’s sleep does more than leave you feeling refreshed and alert, and find out more about the hidden powers of a good night’s rest. Then, put it into practice with a relaxing night at the Chilworth Hotel, before feeling rejuvenated and ready for a day out in the city.

    Dan Harris: 10% Happier

    For those who regard the health and wellness section of the bookshop with a touch of cynicism, this might just be the perfect book. Both memoir and self-help guide, Dan Harris’ book takes a wry, funny and honest look at the stresses and difficulties of daily life, and shows how he found a pathway to being able to relax and calm down a little more, through meditation and other activities.

    If city life is starting to feel a little stressful, book yourself into a soothing spa near Paddingtonbefore taking some time off to get engrossed in this book for some smart, practical advice on dealing with everyday life. This easy-to-read book is also a great addition to a gift list, with its light-hearted but meaningful approach.

    Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

    Marie Kondo’s book and philosophy of the importance of tidying up has swept over the world, as millions of people have discovered the art of cleaning up their lives, reducing stress, and rediscovering the items that spark joy.

    Discover how the act of tidying up can help create a calmer mindset, reducing stress and open the way to more happiness. With a calm and peaceful environment, a stay at The Chilworth Hotel is the perfect place to start making positive changes to your life and learn the habits that you can practice when you go back home.

    Dr Megan Rossi: Eat Yourself Healthy

    Gut health is often described as one of the most important markers of our overall health, but it can often be a complex and difficult thing to understand and manage well. In her first book, the leading gut-health specialist, Dr Rossi, provides an easy to understand guide to understanding how to manage and improve your gut health, as well as showing you why it’s so essential to your wellbeing.

    You’ll learn about how different foods can impact you, and how to structure your diet most effectively to promote better health. You’ll also learn more about how to make the right lifestyle changes that will complement a healthier diet, as well as finding lots of delicious recipes to try out.

    Dr Anjali Mahto: The Skincare Bible

    We all want healthy, beautiful and glowing skin – and we’re often promised that the easy way to get it is through an expensive potion, serum or cream. But it turns out that the key to good skincare is about much more than what’s in your bathroom cabinet. Dr Mahto is one of the UK’s leading dermatologists and helpfully goes into detail about the many stories and untruths that are prevalent in the world of skincare.

    She breaks down some of the common myths about skincare “wonder products” and fads that promise a shortcut to glowing beauty. As well as going through what isn’t helpful, she also has plenty of useful and practice tips and advice that you can put into practice, from discovering the right routine to improve your skin to learning how you can tackle many of the most common skin complaints, such as acne and rosacea.

    What are your favourite health and wellness books?