The Ultimate Packing Guide For Your Trip To London This Summer

Whether it’s your first time in London, or you’re a seasoned professional, it can be a really hard city to read. You can virtually have all weather types in half a day, from sunshine to sideways rain and hail, and back to sunshine. Having said that, you should not always believe what you hear about Old Blighty; warm, sunny days in London are unlike anywhere else. Incredible blue skies, a light breeze, long warm evenings, and beautiful sunsets really makes summer in the UK special.

But back to the issue at hand; how on earth do you pack for this changeable weather? Hopefully this little guide will ensure you don’t miss anything and allow you to make the most out of staying in one of the best hotels near Paddington Station, the Chilworth Hotel London. I’m not going to bang on about underwear, trousers, and dresses; if you need that kind of help then maybe you shouldn’t be travelling on your own. We are gonna take a look at the stuff you may overlook when packing for a normal holiday, and hopefully you’ll end up in one of the beautiful restaurants near Paddington, comfortable and dry. Here we go.

Choose the Right Luggage

It all starts with the bag you choose. If you are visiting London for anything up to a week, then bring one carry-on size suitcase. Stop being such a diva, of course it’s enough space, and trust me you’ll need to be manoeuvrable. Firstly, there is no chance of the airline losing your luggage, you can arrive and walk straight out of the airport. The next challenge is public transport, and for this you need to be lightweight and small; preferably with wheels. You will really regret lugging a huge suitcase around the city centre, I promise. So pack light!

Day Bag

With most airlines now you can get away with bringing a rucksack and a carry-on; you may have to pay for it, but it’s worth it. When you are in the city, wandering around with a backpack or an easy to carry bag will change your day for the better. Even if you don’t listen to anything else I have to say and just put snacks in it while you are out and about, your day will be better for it!


This one is crucial. It may be that your hotel has a stash of umbrellas by the door, lots of hotels in the city centre offer this service, and that’s great. But if not, you’ll regret not bringing one if it rains. An extendable travel sized one will do the trick, tuck it in your backpack and if you get caught in a summer shower, then you have no problems.

Rain Coat

This one may be obvious to some. And you may have heard me previously mention- it can rain at the drop of a hat in London. Stuff a lightweight waterproof coat in your bag, just in case the clouds roll in. It may never happen, but at least you are prepared.

Waterproof Shoes

This is a little bit more difficult in the summer. No one wants to be walking around in 26° heat with thick waterproof boots on; plus they are bulky to pack. Maybe try a lightweight trainer with some waterproofing, or some plastic rain covers for your shoes. Nothing will ruin your day quicker than having wet feet for 10 hours whilst you trudge around seeing the sights!

Comfy Shoes

With all the boring waterproof stuff out of the way we can move on to the important summer things! Besides it doesn’t even rain that much in the summer months, in fact London isn’t even close to being Europe’s wettest capital. Anway, it’s a very big city and even with the incredible public transport links, you’re going to be doing a lot of walking. So bring some shoes you are confident will keep your feet happy, and walk to your heart’s content.


This one is fairly obvious, so I won’t patronise you. However do remember a hard case for your sunnys, if some clouds do roll in then you’ll need somewhere safe to stash them in a hurry!

Sun Cream

Again fairly obvious, but I think a lot of people get wrapped up in how rainy it can be in the UK. Yes we do get some bad summers, but in actuality rainy summers are quite rare. The English summer can get pretty warm, so like my mum always says, “never underestimate the sun!”

Noise Cancelling Headphones

This one may seem a bit strange, but I have found it very helpful in the past. London is a busy place, home to almost 9 million people, it can sometimes be hard to find peace and quiet. From the plane ride to just chilling in the parks, noise cancelling headphones can be a great help.


People seem to have forgotten about cameras, given that phones are particularly great at taking stunning photos. But if you’re like me and prefer the old fashioned ways, then bring a camera along. It will leave you with a more memorable way to interact with your holidays and it means you don’t have to be on your phone the entire time. Take a break from your device!

External Powerpack

Having said all that about ‘not using your device’, having an external powerpack is very important. Your phone will be one of the major ways that you navigate the city. So having it die on you would not be ideal! Imagine not being able to find the best restaurants Paddington London has to offer. Nightmare scenario. Charge on the go and stay in the loop.

The British 3 Pin

If you’re arriving in Britain from abroad then this is a pretty major one to remember. The 3 pin plug is a pretty rare one, the UK uses it along with Singapore, Hong Kong, and a few other select places. Make sure you bring one to charge your devices at your hotel!

So there you have it, a run down of the essentials when travelling to London. Hopefully this list will help you to remember all the essentials, and enjoy your trip to the max!

Categories: London Travel

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