Performances and exhibits to visit at the Barbican

The Barbican is one of London’s very best artistic and cultural venues, with a packed roster of events and exhibits taking place throughout the year. As 2018 winds to a close, the Barbican is still on a roll – and we’ve compiled this brief breakdown of the top performances and exhibits not to be missed this December if you’re planning your next stay with us.

All of London Life is There – Barbican Library Foyer

Until 22nd December 2018

For visitors to our accommodation near Paddington London, this exhibition provides a fabulous gateway to the London artistic scene at the Barbican. Featuring original oil paintings, watercolours and stunning drawings, it really captures the vibrancy of London life, as explored by those who know the city well.

Women in Jazz: A Celebration of the Past, Present and Future

Until 31st December 2018

This exhibition takes a closer look at the contributions made by women in the area of jazz music over the last century. In addition, it explores the next generation of jazz talent which is currently emerging in the music scene, sparking a revival of this famed genre. The exhibit focuses largely on the role of instrumentalists, as well as vocalists such as Ella Fitzgerald who helped to pioneer the art form through their own 20th century careers. In addition, the Women in Jazz exhibition glimpses how political change helped play a major role in jazz music throughout its formative years.

The Merry Wives of Windsor by the Royal Shakespeare Company

Until 5th January 2019

Providing a very modern adaptation of this Shakespeare classic, the Barbican’s version is performed by the prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company, and directed by Fiona Laird. Perfect for guests staying at our hotels near Paddington Station London, this play explores themes like jealousy, rivalry and the ego to provide some truly timeless entertainment.

Francis Upritchard – Wetwang Slack

Until 6th January 2018

This installation by New Zealand-born modern artist Francis Upritchard forges a new selection of sculptural pieces which have been created especially for the Barbican. Focusing on transforming the space and playing with texture, colour and materials, the exhibit plays to the artist’s strengths whilst adding a new dimension to her work.

Upritchard has become known for experimenting with scale, creating figures with distinctive features. This textural display is a true visual feast where the artist has really been able to shine thanks to the level of freedom offered by the Barbican – making it a perfect space to visit while staying at the Chilworth London Hotel.

Modern Couples: Art, Intimacy and the Avant-Garde

27th January 2019

For anyone who thinks modern love is hard, this exhibit should provide light relief, exploring how artistic couples have depicted their own romances over the years. There are works here from the likes of Salvador Dali, Picasso, Rodin, Frida Kahlo and Gustav Klimt – all of whom expressed their romantic life through their work.

Categories: Where and Why